Over the past years we've enjoyed bringing groups to Guatemala twice a year, once in October-November and then another group in April-May. Last year, our fabulous trip leaders along with the board members of Transformational Connections determined that the only way to grow the organization was to train new volunteer leaders. We interviewed many … Continue reading Leadership Training
IMAP Friend- and Fund-raiser
Transformational Connections has taken close to 75 people to Guatemala over the past few years to learn about ways to help people in the developing world, while respecting the native culture, ideas and minds. Through our work, we became a huge supporter of MesoAmerican Permaculture Institute (IMAP) which is a non-profit organization located in San … Continue reading IMAP Friend- and Fund-raiser
Team Siete (#7) Leaves for Guatemala
On October 28,2016 Transformational Connections (TC) will be taking their 7th team of travelers,Team Siete, to Guatemala. The 14 member team, including two TC leaders and an assistant, will begin their journey in San Lucas Toliman in the Lake Atitlan region. Working with the Institute of Meso-American Permiculture (IMAP) the team will prepare soil and use it help a family … Continue reading Team Siete (#7) Leaves for Guatemala
Service Learning
Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.