
To provide physical, educational and economic support in countries of the developing world.

To engage in conversational and cultural activities with those we serve.

To recruit others to help and learn in countries of the developing world.

To encourage those affiliated with Transformational Connections to participate in our community and other communities where they are needed.


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Transformational Connections respects the wisdom and resources of the areas we serve. We help the local, indigenous population succeed in their dreams, ideas and endeavors; not to create our own solutions to the wounds we perceive them having. We see ourselves as collaborators and partners in helping people reach their own successes.

Identifying and applauding the good that already exists in the area

Helping to preserve the jobs, resources and ideas of the indigenous population

Creating partnerships and collaborations to help the locals do what they know needs to be done


Because we are responding to the local needs of each community our projects vary from trip to trip. We have worked alongside the indigenous population to build stoves from concrete blocks and adobe, excavate for latrines, design murals, build chicken coops, teach lessons in schools, create composts and gardens and paint buildings. With each experience our lives become richer and inevitably we learn more than the people we came to help.


We work with various partners to make sure we are responding to the needs of each community. Most recently our work has been with:

  • Natün https://natunguatemala.org/– Natün provides opportunities and assistance to the indigenous and impoverished people of Guatemala through education and community development programs. Some of their programs include installation of basic services (fuel efficient stoves, water filters), assisting seniors (providing meals, repairing homes), cooking/sewing classes and school programs (preschool and middle school).
  • IMAP – The Institute for Mesoamerican Permaculture empowers indigenous men, women and children to be guardians and promoters of biodiversity.  Thro
    ugh hands-on education, IMAP focuses on food security, food sovereignty, climate change adaptation, protection of ancestral Mayan knowledge and sustainable development in local communities.
  •  San Lucas Tolimán Scholars – SLT Scholars is concerned with education – sponsoring bright, needy students in the San Lucas area, and trying to improve the overall quality of education available to them. They work with all the local junior high and high schools, and also work with the local grade schools, which helps them in the selection of students.
  • GRANJA TZ’IKIN https://www.granjatzikin.com/?lang=en – A Pioneering Community Living in harmony with the land. TZ’ikin is an organic farm, eco-guest house, bar-restaurant and community hub from where they share the beauty and abundance of our life in Tzununá.